'Coming Home'

Well, it's Friday, October 24, 2008 and we've made it through the first week of treatment and Wes is still feeling really good. He has not been displaying any of the symptoms that are typical of this tumour, no headaches or pressure, no numbness or tingling on the right side of his body (apparently the left side of the brain controls the ride side of the body) so we are thankful for every day that these symptoms stay away.

Wes will continue his chemo pills throughout the weekend and then the radiation will resume again this coming Tuesday. They will be doing two rounds of radiation on Tuesday because the machines are down for maintenance on Monday. The first treatment on Tuesday starts at 8:30a.m. and the second is at 3:00 followed by an appointment again with our oncology radiologist. So, needless to say it will be a full day.

We have come home for the weekend and though it was hard to leave one of our sons in the city, it was time to come and spend time with the other son. Good thing we only had two kids!

We've been pleasantly surprised at how we were able to settle in in Winnipeg. The people are much friendlier than we or I should say that I have given them credit for.

Nic's Home Kent Towers Grant Avenue

I REALLY liked the part about living across from a mall...any mall...feels so homey - haha. OK, maybe not for you, but I feel quite at home in a shopping mall, even though our time there has nothing to do with shopping. Funny, how those things like shopping don't draw you in like they did before...I'm sure that feeling will pass once our life gets back to normal...I long for normal, but I know that God is allowing this challenge to be in our lives for a purpose. And any time I am tempted to feel sorry for our situation God sends me little reminders to look around and see that for every hurt that we think we are dealing with there is someone else dealing with or has dealt with something painful in their life too.

Take for example our son Nicolas' superintendents, a wonderful couple named Clay & Eileen. We have come to appreciate them so much because of the friendship and care that they have shown to Nicolas since he moved into the building 2 years ago. We could not have asked God to provide a nicer couple to be involved in our son's life.

Last week Nicolas told Eileen about our situation and that we would be moving in with him during the treatments. She was heartbroken over the situation and Nicolas spent time comforting her and answering her questions.

Wes and I spoke with Clay and Eileen when we first arrived at the beginning of this week to thank them for allowing us to stay with Nicolas and noticed that Clay seemed to be having a very difficult time with it.

Wait for it...God is sending a reminder

This morning Eileen stopped by the apartment to give us a parking pass for the underground parking and we could tell that she was finding it quite difficult. She asked Wes how he was doing and expressed surprise at how good he looked. I told her we had a great family & wonderful friends back home who are praying for us and with tears she simply nodded and said how important it was to hang on to your faith. She then explained that Clay's mom had been diagnosed with a brain tumour as well and how difficult it had been to walk beside her as she struggled through this time.

...little reminders...

As I am writing this entry we receive an email from a wonderful couple from our church Peter and Margaret who want to let us know that they are praying for us and to offer the reminder that God is faithful. As I read their email to Wes we both could not hold back the tears. Margaret has her own battle with Lymphoma.

...little reminders...

There have been so many others in our family, in our church and in our community who have shared with us their walk through some dark and difficult moments.

...little reminders...

...so let's remember to hold each other physically, emotionally & spiritually...

...little reminders...

As Peter & Margaret reminded us 'God is faithful' and I'm so glad that He is...let's praise Him together
...just a reminder.

"Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre..." Psalm 150:1-3


pv said…
wow wes you have a blog! you are really going places now, or is this your subtle way of letting Dinah express herself!!

Great idea, been thinking about you both this week

Your Irish friend
Dinah Elias said…
Well pv I think you know the answer to your comment. I always need an outlet to express myself.

Thank you for your friendship and support, it has meant so much to both of us!

your Canadian friends

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