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Merry Christmas!

The chicken is in the oven, yes I serve chicken instead of turkey at Christmas and there are more ingredients for the other dishes sitting ready on the kitchen counter.  As I work I play Christmas worship music on my phone, quietly because Nick is still sleeping, after all it is 6:45a.m.  At 7a.m. my phone begins to go off, friends texting to wish me a Merry Christmas, a great start to the day.  I turn off the music and turn the lights on the Christmas tree in my living room and make my morning coffee.  The silence is comforting, so I talk to Jesus about His birth, the fact that it happened in such a humble way is something I ask him about as I take me hot coffee with me to my comfy chair.  He then reminds me of the times that I spent in our barn as a little girl, watching my mom calmly milk the cows, sometimes spraying milk from the teat in a perfect arc to an eagerly waiting cat’s mouth.  The smell of the hay as I climbed up to the hayloft sitting on one of the hundreds of bales list

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