Wes' second job

A few of you have been asking what Wes' second job is. Well, he is helping out at his dad's business, most times in the sand pit, but some times he's in the office taking orders.
I went to visit him in the office last week Friday and thought I would take a few pictures of him at work. Even got him to smile and look at the camera without this goofy face he likes to make when I have my camera handy.
I love these pictures....he looks so healthy doesn't he? Can I help you ma'am?
That was how many loads?

We'll get that to you as quickly as possible!
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect."
1 Corinthians 15:10


Anonymous said…
Okay. Now Dinah are you sure you didn't stage this "Excuse me. Gotta take this call"look. Actually it looks really great. Lots to be thankful seeing Wes sitting there looking so good and how great our God is..
Ceryl. (sister)

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