Time's a tickin'...

Are there certain circumstances that you and your husband go through that really frustrate you, but circumstances that you know will never change? Oh, come on, I know you can think of at least one thing. And it's really no one's fault, it just works out that way.
For us, it's never arriving at a funeral or a wedding on time...EVER! And when I say 'on time' I mean as in 20 minutes ahead of time like other normal couples. We usually slide in a couple of minutes prior to the start time of anything, in fact we've even escorted a number of brides down the aisle!
Well, this last Friday we wanted to attend the funeral of my brother-in-law's dad. It started at 2:00 and so I thought we would have plenty of time to get ready. I was going to bring Hailey and Mack home by lunch time and Wes had only one load and he left a bit earlier so that he would be home by one. Weeeelll, it didn't quite work out that way.
Wes called to tell me that he was running late and had a few things to do before we could go to the funeral and could I bring his clothes with to town cause he wouldn't have time to come home. Those phone calls always get me uptight because I'm bound to forget something.
"Pants, shirt & shoes" Wes says patiently "That's not that hard to remember"
"Uh huh" I replied my mind rolling. I know I'll forget something. I usually do.
"Pants, shirt & shoes that's all I need" he repeats as I huff and puff at the other end.
I got ready, had a quick bite to eat and then began rifling through his clothes to figure out what he's going to wear. He's lost so much weight that none of his regular 'funeral' clothes fit him anymore. Now, you may be wondering what my problem is...well, here it is...when I get ready for work, a wedding or a funeral it takes me about 3, 5 or 7 outfit changes before I decide that I like what I see in the mirror. Our bed is heaped high with cast offs by the time I've found something I deem suitable and now I'm supposed to decide for another person? I shudder at the thought!
Well, by the time everything was said and done I did remember the pants, shoes and OK, I'll admit it, I took two shirts with for Wes because I just couldn't decide, so Wes would have to make that decision. And off I went to town. Halfway there it hit me and I slammed my hand into the steering wheel.
"See I knew I'd forget something!" I said to no one in particular as I continued on my way thinking of the bunch of sympathy cards I had left laying on the kitchen table. Oh well, that is just how it is.
I parked on the Monarch lot and waited for Wes to back the truck into it's final resting place before he grabbed his clothes from the back of the Blazer and made his way back into the semi to change. So, that answers the question that many of you have asked me about why Wes has a bunk on his semi when he only drives to Winnipeg and back...it's so that he has a change room for all our special occasions.
We drove as quick as we could and walked into the church at 2 minutes before the funeral started. OK, Wes nearly ran into the church and I clicked behind him as fast as I could on my 4 inch heels...yeah, yeah, I know, what was I thinking, but they go so well the the outfit.
I was so relieved to see that the family wasn't lined up ready to walk in and the guest book was still available. Hoping my Mitchum was still working, because I was pretty sweaty from running across the parking lot, I quickly made my way to the guest table, signed it and we were swiftly ushered in just a minute or so before the family entered.
One day I think we'll make it on time...but I'm not holding my breath! I'm just hoping we'll be on time for Mark and Eva's wedding. But we do have a year to work on our timing anyway!

"I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." Ecclesiastes 9:11


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