God always has a plan...

I don't even know what to write, so I will write as honestly as I can. This has been a very tough week, a week of questions without answers and prayers mixed with tears . We are both very discouraged and very tired, both physically and emotionally.

We understand that MPIC simply wants a neurologist to check Wes out to make sure that he is fully capable of driving a semi and we totally get that. We can appreciate the fact that because Wes has had brain surgery and a lingering tumor that they would want to make sure he is alright to go back on the road. We are just not getting anywhere with trying to fill out the paper work to appeal the decision.

After losing his license last week Wes and I went to see our family doctor who got on board right away with faxing a letter off to the neurology department in HSC this past Monday and making phone calls today to see if they can speed up the appointment process. We had already gone earlier this week to see if Dr. Fewer could help us out, but he was unable to help us with filling out the paperwork.

A discouraging moment came today when the secretary at HSC told Wes that it could take up to a year just to get an appointment with a neurologist and then who knows how long after that it could take MPIC to reinstate his license. After all, it took them six months to cancel them in the first place.

Please continue to pray for us as we go on with making some serious decisions, but first and foremost pray that we will be able to discern clearly what God's will is for us in the next few days.

"Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the LORD our God." Jeremiah 42:6


Anonymous said…
I am at such a loss for words! I try to put myself in your shoes, only to come up with a blank thought. To say I know how you feel would be such a lie! Please know though that our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Marilyn Hildebrand
Anonymous said…
We will keep praying.... Finally a neurology appointment. If you need help with a resume, I can help. It was my job as an adult education teacher years back to help adults re-enter the paid work force after having untraditional or unpaid roles that required some thinking 'outside the box' in putting together a resume.

Marilyn Hart

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