November 24, 2008 - Well, we are down to the final stretch of this run, at least for this portion anyway. We just came back from treatment number twenty six! Only 7 more to go! It is exciting and scary all in the same breath. There's a certain feeling of security in this leg of the battle because the doctors and techs are 'doing' something. After these radiation treatments are done we begin the waiting game of tests and observations to see if the tumour has been thrown into remission or destroyed, that will be a tough time for us. I've never been a patient woman!

It was very busy in the radiation department this morning. People seemed to be restless and impatient, it was the first time that Wes was brought in after his scheduled time and he was in the treatment room for quite a length of time. Apparently the machine had been buzzing at much longer intervals today too, so we figure that they are going to make the best of these last few treatments. Our doctor did warn us that the techs were really turning up the heat now for the last weeks.

This week is a shorter week due to machine maintenance on Friday. But, that also means that Wes has to have a double dose on Wednesday. Those days are a bit more challenging and Wes needs to rest a bit more on those days as well. He also has his blood work that day so it will be a full time for him.

Wes is feeling good, just tired, it was a long wait so now we are back at the apartment and we just finished up a bowl of soup and a toasted tomato sandwich.

Well, the sun is shining here and someone needs to clean up the kitchen - guess who that will be!?!

Thank you for your prayers. This past Sunday seemed to be a day of many hugs and whispered words of encouragement and I thank each of you for your continued love and concern for our family.

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. " Acts 20:24


Anonymous said…
praying for you
Anonymous said…
Thanks for takeing us with on your journey,its been uplifting reading how your strong faith in God carries you.We love you Mom and Dad
Dinah Elias said…
Thanks for your prayers and support Mom and Dad! We love you too!

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