Plain & Simple...

Our appointment was before nine this morning and it went well. Wes has some burn markings on the side of his face and they are getting more pronounced as time goes on. We picked up some water based lotion today because it is very much like a sunburn so the skin in that area is quite dry. We had treatment number 21 this morning so there's only 12 more to go. Somehow I feel these last 2 1/2 weeks will go by very slowly, but it will be nice to be done.

We went for a long walk earlier this afternoon and except for the wind it was a beautiful afternoon. And as we walked I thought of the poem `Footprints`, except living in Manitoba I couldn`t picture the footprints in the sand, but pictured them in the snow - haha.

We came back and Wes had a good long nap while I worked on some church stuff for the coming weekend. I'm glad for the distraction of work, though it is a challenge not just for me, but for the pastors back home and I appreciate their willingness to make this work.

Someone asked how I could continue to work for the church through all of this. Well, besides the fact that I absolutely love the ministry that I am involved in, the pastors that I work for and of course I can't forget Rachel our church secretary, it provides moments of distraction from the struggle that we are going through right now.

But there is something else...

When I realize how far God has taken Wes on this journey, how he has blessed him with peace, joy and strength, then my thinking is this...

"Why in the world would I NOT do this work for God? When He has done so much for us, this is such a small payment for the marvelous gift of His presence which carries us through during this time. It is an honor and a privilege!"

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." John 9:4
