A cat on the head is....well, painful

This is a very special entry for those who can only see Wes through rose-colored glasses. I thought it was time you all had a reality check in regards to my oh so innocent husband.

This is one of my favorite stories that he has shared about his childhood. It involves an orange and white cat, a dog, a golf course and his brother Richard.

Now you need to remember that Wes is 4 years older than his brother and he thinks he was probably about 14 when this happened, so that means that Richard will have only been about 10. Being 10 years old Richard was probably more than excited when his big brother Wes wanted to spend time with him. That was his first mistake!

Wes didn't really want to play with him in a constructive way, but thought he would use Richard to do an experiment that involved the cat and the dog. Right there Richard should have figured out this wasn't going to go well.

The boys locked the dog in the garage because otherwise, well they wouldn't be able to convince the cat to be a part of the experiment. Then Wes told Richard that he should take the cat out to an open area on the golf course (hole #2 I believe), which is right behind mom and dad's house and then Wes would bring the dog to the backyard and throw a stone through the trees to get the dog to run. Now apparently this dog loved chasing games and it didn't matter if it was a stone or a golfer he was chasing (and that's a whole other story)!

So, with Richard standing in the middle of the course holding the cat, Wes brought the dog out of the garage to the backyard and with a stone thrown through the trees the dog took off. He came barreling out of the trees and straight for Richard and the cat.

OK, so you probably have a pretty good idea of what happens next. Richard, obedient little soul that he was, tries desperately to throw the cat to the ground, but the cat wants nothing to do with seeing that dog at eye level, so he claws and hang onto Richard's arms for dear life. Finally the cat shoots up Richard's arm and straight onto the top of his head.

Between Richard screaming and trying to get the cat off his head and the dog barking Wes said it sounded pretty violent out there.

When I asked where he was during this whole episode he says with a chuckle 'I was standing in the backyard watching it all happen' then he tries to add with a little remorse 'Boy, Richard really got scratched up that day!' Uh huh, you think!

After a minute he says, 'I'm not sure if he even remembers that day!' ....paleeze! I'm sure Richard is still trying to block that event out of his head!

So, Richard this entry's Bible verse is for you...

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." Isaiah 43:18


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