It was glorious...

Today was the day we were scheduled to have two treatments. Not something that we look forward too. Wes is usually pretty wiped by the time the day is over and he is! Not as bad as last time though which is good, but we are trying very hard to pace ourselves especially on these days. He's been snoozing since we got back so I figured I take the time to do some writing.

We needed to be at the hospital quite early in the morning and so when we reached the doors of the CancerCare Wes walked in and I kept walking to find a coffee...I did..I found Tim's on the second floor all by myself without taking one wrong turn!! Which, as you know, for me is quite amazing! I joined Wes down in the basement and they finally called him in.

There is a receptionist who works at the South End Waiting Room desk. She is funny and loud and well, now you know why I like her...she reminds me of someone...hmmm, not sure who...anyhoo. She was talking to the other woman who works beside her and I could hear them clearly over the short wall. She was talking about the fact that the sidewalks in front of the hospital really needed to be cleaned up. She had fallen three times trying to get into the building! She is a round little woman and so you know what I'm picturing in my mind's eye! I was trying not to laugh out loud, but then I realized she wasn't done yet.

"Oh, you should have seen me fall" she told her friend in a very exaggerated tone, "it was absolutely glorious!" And then she laughed.

Now, she's one of those people that when you hear her laugh you don't even need to know the punch line because it's just fun to laugh with her. And I couldn't help myself I began laughing with them, even though they couldn't hear me over their own giggles. Now, the other people in the waiting room didn't have a hot clue of what I was laughing at (don't people listen to what's going on around them?) and they looked at me as if I had lost all my marbles (which isn't the first time that's happened), so I buried my nose in the Chatelaine Magazine and continued my own chuckle fest behind the perfumed drenched pages. I came up for air, I just can't handle strong perfume and sure enough a stupid commercial came on the tv about a husband and wife hanging up Christmas lights together and I started giggling all over again. I think I'm probably overtired, but it just feels so good to laugh, even when everyone around you thinks you're nuts.

How does God do that? In the middle of the battle of our lives he constantly reminds us to laugh, separately, together even at inopportune times, we smirk, we giggle, we have a full blown laugh fest and we realize that life does go on. The struggle is tiring enough, we've talked about life and death until we're blue in the face, we ask questions, we answer questions, we pray, we beg, we cry, we sit in silence and then there's that moment...and we laugh. I feel bad for those who will live long healthy lives, but do not know the absolute joy of laughter, laughter with your husband, with your kids and even when you're all by yourself. There are so many opportunities for tears and sadness, not always that many for joy and laughter...grab them while they are there!!

"Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10


Doreen said…
I understand what you are talking about, and, at some other time I would like to share some of the tough times that we have been able to laugh through. You cannot understand this if you haven't been either! Doreen
Dinah Elias said…
Thank you Doreen! Sometimes I worry that people will think I'm 'crazy' or 'losing it', course that wouldn't be the first time, but for me the laughter has been a reminder that God does offer us joy in the midst of the storm.