Do you know the time?

When I worked at Kids Korner Nursery School I remember one class of four year olds that loved to play a game called 'What's the time Mr. Wolf'.

I don't think I need to explain that game to most of you. Let's just say it involves asking the question "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" over and over and then there's a lot of screaming and running around when the 'Wolf' decides its time to try and catch the other players.

It was fun watching the children play the game, after they had counted out their steps they would fidget and dance around and then look at each other with a nervous grin knowing that any minute they would be running as hard as they could back to the line not knowing if they could outrun the 'wolf'. But all in all those that played thought the game was worth the high level of anticipation.

Is that how life is for us? Living life with that same excitement and thrill knowing that at any moment the Shepherd will come for us to bring us home? Do we dance and fidget on the spot with excitement or do we keep calling out for more time?

We unexpectedly lost a good friend this week. He didn't know that he was going to die, that he would be leaving his family and new grandbaby, but God called him home. We were glad that we were able to have the last few conversations we did have with him, but, Wes and I were and still are in complete shock and disbelief that he is gone. There was no warning.

Thursday morning we were getting ready to go to the hospital for another round of radiation with the news of Dave's death still ringing through our minds. Wes sat down in the chair to put his shoes on and I sat down on the arm rest beside him.

"The shock of hearing about your tumour nearly scared me to death, but we were given a fighting chance." I spoke fighting back the tears, "No matter what happens God has given us the gift of walking through this time in our life with our eyes a little more wide open than we would have before."

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean your ever prepared to lose someone you love, EVER! But, we were given the gift of time; time for important conversations, even time for goodbyes, treasured time, time that before this diagnosis we had taken for granted.

So, let's dance and fidget, let's cheer each other on with a nervous grin to the finish, because it's not going to be 'if' God calls us home, it will be 'when'

"For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
For this very reason,
Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living." Romans 14:7-9


Anonymous said…
Hi Dinah & Wes,
Curtis Reimer put me on to your blog site- been great to hear your ramblings! Actually they're much more than that - powerful insights that provide focus and direction. So encouraged by how you are handling this "storm" in your life.
Brings back memories of times we shared together when Mitch & I were going through our deep waters.

Good to see your sense of humour coming through!

I was so amazed and encouraged to hear that Curtis Reimer was selected as Winkler's 2008 citizen of the year award! Heh, Wes I bet that wouldn't have been our prediction back in the '70's when we were invovled in Battalion Boys and Curt was one of the guys who kept us on our toes!! Isn't God's love and grace great!
Curt has been a great encouragement for me. I marvel at how God is a work through him touching so many lives.
Just like both you guys touch so many lives - including mine. Dinah - you haven't had as much time as Wes has. You guys are a tremendous encouragement. Thanks for sharing your journey.
In His loving grip,
Ted Goossen (& Mary)
Anonymous said…
Wes and Dinah;
Dinah, you mentioned you felt like you had that drowning feeling at times. Interesting! You know shortly after I found out about my cancer Bill and I were driving to town in the dark evening of February and I suddenly paniced and felt I was adrift way out in the deep ocean and I was going to sink. In my thoughts it was also so dark. Then I prayed and asked the Lord to take the fear away no matter what happened. He answered and the next day Ted and Mary Goossen came by for supper with Mary's homemade pizza, they shared some laughter, some thoughts and verses and we prayed. It made such a difference. I also remembered how I had been in an accident where I was thrown from a car in Egypt. It was a dark night that time as well and I was out beside the road in the sand by myself thinking the driver of the car was dead. I looked up and I felt God's distinct presence. It was shortly after that that the driver came out of the car and helped me up and some passersby took us to the city of Port Said for care.
So it is definitely these times God opens our eyes. It is also so good to laugh and let go of our fears.
Praying for you both to let God carry you thtough this time.
Carol Ann
Dinah Elias said…
Ted, Mary, Bill & Carol Ann,

Thank you so much for sharing. I think the biggest learning curve for me has been for us to remember that there have been many that have walked a similar road as we are on right now and I believe that is how God challenges us to encourage one another. You and so many others have been such an encouragement!! Thank you!

And Ted, Curt Reimer as citizen of the year!?! Personally, I felt it was the best choice. He was a great mentor for our sons when they were in school and I know they still wait to hear from Curt or look for his wave.

Wes chuckled when you mentioned Battalion Boys, it obviously brought back great memories for him. He didn't share too much, but I got the distinct feeling that Curt wasn't alone in keeping everyone on their toes - haha.

Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement!

Dinah & Wes

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