Hey! That's a horse!

1. What kind of animal is this?

You see, Wes was given the option of doing a pretest before he began the actual test and Wes thought he would maybe do a pretest just to make sure he was on target and this was the question that popped up. So, after he checked off 'horse' he figured he would skip the rest of the pretest and just go for the real thing. But, in defense of MPIC, I think it was just to see if you know how to operate the computer, which is not such a stupid concern considering that not everyone is as computer savvy as they would like to believe.
Well, Wes was up early this morning, don't ask me how early because I was fast asleep until I heard Mark leave the yard for work just before eight. Wes was studying and practicing the online quizzes that MPIC has available and though he had already been getting ten out of ten on pretty much every practice test he took he was determined not to leave any stone unturned.
He finished taking his dosage of chemo this morning (his first day for that as well!) and then after a quick slice of toast and his Dilantin off we went for his big test. We were fifteen minutes early, but that was alright too since it was really busy in the office. Shortly after nine Wes began his test and about 20 minutes later he was done. He got twenty-three questions right out of twenty-four. I asked him which one he got wrong (I was really curious since all I had been hearing this past weekend was him reading so many questions over and over again and I was enjoying the challenge of having the right answer.)
"I don't know, I never checked and I don't really care!" he said with a big grin, "All I remember is when I finished the last question the screen disappeared and the words 'you passed' came up and that's all I needed to know!"
Apparently you are allowed three mistakes and if, as you are answering them, you hit the third mistake the test stops right there and then. You don't get to finish it. Actually, I thought that wasn't a bad system.
Wes got a chance to meet with the gentleman who will be going with him on his road test at the end of April and the two of them seemed to hit it off quite nicely. As they parted ways they shook hands and the gentleman commented that he was looking forward to seeing Wes again at the end of the month.
You know, I may have made fun of the pretest at the beginning of this entry, but I will tell you one thing, the people in the MPIC office, particularly Dianne have been so respectful and genuinely helpful.
All along the way God has given us treasures, treasures in the form of people, some we know, many we don't, but they are all treasures nonetheless.
Well, Wes has finally come down from his high and is already talking about an early bedtime...as he turns and looks at me I told him that he reminds me of our boys when they were little and determined that they didn't need a nap, yet their eyes all told a different story. He smiles as I tell him this.
The only difference is Wes isn't arguing with me about needing to go to sleep a little earlier...he's the one suggesting it.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Psalm 23
Marilyn Hart