Ever After...
Have you watched the movie 'Ever After'? It is one of my favorite chick flicks and yes, I own a copy and yes, I have probably watched it more than five times! I have always loved the Cinderella story and this one is so well done. But, please don't write about my movie watching in the Winkler Times!
Well, we just finished dinner with the boys and we had a great time visiting over baked spaghetti and garlic toast. We then finished off with a generous slice of Grandma Elias' banana cream pie (leftover from Easter...yummy!) After the boys shared a few funny 'work' stories they packed up ready to get on with their day. Wes followed them out the door because he was going outside to work with the tractor and I stood alone at the picture window.
I heard Mark's truck start up, not a hard thing to do even with my hearing. But, as he comes around the corner of the house I'm ready with a smile and I see him duck his head in the cab of the truck as he peers through the passenger window with a huge grin and a wide wave...'it's tradition'.
One of the best scenes they did in that movie is when Danielle's (Cinderella) father is leaving their home and she tells her stepmother and stepsisters that it's 'tradition' to stand and wave goodbye when someone leaves home. It was the last time she would see her father alive. 'Traditions' have the capability of creating the most wonderful memories.
Well, we just finished dinner with the boys and we had a great time visiting over baked spaghetti and garlic toast. We then finished off with a generous slice of Grandma Elias' banana cream pie (leftover from Easter...yummy!) After the boys shared a few funny 'work' stories they packed up ready to get on with their day. Wes followed them out the door because he was going outside to work with the tractor and I stood alone at the picture window.
Then barely a minute later Nic backs his truck out of his spot in front of the car garage, his truck is quieter, but the reaction is the same. I don't move from my position at the window and as he drives by he also leans over to look through his passenger window and he waves with a big grin...'it's tradition'.
I don't know when the tradition of us standing and waiting to wave goodbye started, but it just sort of evolved. It's only been in the last five years because that's how long we've had that picture window and the boys haven't had their drivers much longer than that. I don't know who started it, do you ever know who really starts a tradition?
Eva just naturally joined in on the tradition. I always love her bright smile as she waves from Mark's truck. It doesn't really matter what vehicle anyone is driving and it's not just for our family. Anyone who comes down is automatically incorporated into the tradition.
This past week the world lost two special people. Hank and then Eleanor. Family and friends stood beside them throughout their journies and in the end they needed to let them go, saying goodbye.
Christ was waiting for both of them, can you imagine the greeting?
Christ greeting Hank like a long awaited brother, showing him "the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb" Rev. 22:1
and Eleanor...? I think Pastor Phillip put it best at our Good Friday service yesterday offering us a beautiful picture of Eleanor meeting Jesus and excitedly (that's the only way we will ever remember her) telling him that she died on the same day as he did, good Friday. He went on to say that Jesus probably tried to tell her that he knows and she just repeats it again and again to everyone around her. I can only imagine her welcoming everyone into Heaven, even those who are already there!
I always loved Eleanor's greetings, "Hey beautiful!" "Hi gorgeous!" and always with the biggest smile possible and the best hugs in the world. I'm going to miss those hugs.
Our list of those we love who are in Heaven grows constantly and so our desire to have Heaven as our end destination grows as well.
Can you imagine the day that God will say your name and announce to Heaven that you are coming home? And when you walk through those gates all of Heaven will welcome you home, after all you are a child of his and he will bring you into his presence for the most wonderful greeting of all...it's tradition!
"And you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 1:11