
I love Easter! So many wonderful memories of past Easter productions, 'You are the Christ', 'Journey of a Lifetime' & 'Tobiah'. Bringing these productions to life was a very hectic and challenging time, but so very meaningful for building relationships, meeting new people and re-discovering the amazing love that represents God. I love Easter!
Does Easter completely represent happiness? Not really, the story doesn't really lend itself to being described as a happy tale, there's deceit, betrayal, an unjust trial, beating and ultimately crucifixion....But, you want to talk about joy? Well, there you go. God through his son Jesus is triumphant throughout the story and that brings in the element of joy. And the story isn't finished yet!
I will admit that these past seven months couldn't be described as happy, but they have been jam-packed with joy. Joy doesn't depend on our idea of happy endings. Joy doesn't depend on always receiving good news. Joy is the deep contentment of knowing and experiencing who God is. How amazing God is. Joy is knowing that he died for our sins and that no matter what we cannot lose our salvation.
How is your joy meter doing? I love the story that I read one time that talked about a couple who had been married for 50 years and they were celebrating with a party. The husband had turned to the wife and said 'After 50 years I have found you tried and true!"
His wife a little hard of hearing said, "What did you say?"
He repeated "After 50 years I have found you tried and true!"
"Well," she said in a huff, "after 50 years I'm tired of you too!"
Ah joy, it comes in many forms doesn't it?
"They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away." Isaiah 35:10