God offers hope in whispers, tears & bursts of laughter...

He arrived home just after seven and after a warm hug (I love that our boys still let me hug them!) and we sat down for a late supper. It was a silent affair since the perogies and roasted chicken seemed to be hitting the spot.
After supper we took the time to play catch-up and it was good to hear how things were going for Nic at his work at Micro-Age in Winnipeg. He loves his job and gets along well with the people he works with. Of course his strange sense of humour (that comes from his father's side) endears him to his co-workers...hmmm... He has opportunity to cover a number of the contracts that the company has and those jobs take him all over the city from government offices to schools and banks and of course Wal Mart. Right after Easter he will be working at Air Canada for a week or so and he's really looking forward to that. In case your wondering what it is that he does for living, he is an IT Tech which means he's responsible for installing and maintaining/repairing computer hardware, software and networks.
We talked about how things were going with Wes and Nic was disappointed to hear that his dad had to re-write his drivers for his Class 1's as well as perform the road test. He shook his head and with a twinkle in his eye he looked at me and we began talking about how hard Wes would have to study to pass this test and Nic and I went on and on as though we were commiserating with him. I finally ended the conversation with "Well, it's going to be very tough for you since 27 years ago when you took your first test they had stone tablets and you had to chip your answers with a chisel and a hammer." Nic and I were laughing so hard and Wes just sat there shaking his head, so of course I had to go on, "Like that little bird in the camera on the Flintstones, the one that uses his beak to punch away making a picture!"
We were laughing so hard and it felt good, just for a moment, to not 'think' about anything too seriously. We had done enough of that these past two weeks.
We sat up and talked until after eleven. It was so much fun to just connect. We are pleased that both boys seemed to be settled into good jobs that they both love.
Mark and Eva seem to be quite happy and content in their relationship and I enjoy it when they come for a visit (which usually includes supper). Eva is a joy to have around and finally I have a girl for back up! Mark is very much like his dad, mechanical skills that are based on common sense, a talent for welding and of course that goofy sense of humour. He's got a smart alec sense of humour and some of the stories he tells are very reminiscent of his father's that he has shared about when he worked at Economy foods years ago. I'll have to share some of those stories with you sometime.
I said to Wes today (Saturday) that I was so pleased that both boys are settled in their lives, content and finding their place in the world. What more could a parent ask for?
Well, I was at the church all afternoon and most of the evening helping with the stage set-up for our Easter series which is starting tomorrow. OK, so mostly I was telling the guys what to do! But, either way, I'm ready for a good night's sleep and tomorrow after church I get to see my family for our first Easter gathering! I'm looking forward to it!
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." Psalm 126:2