The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

This past week we received some news that sort of threw a monkey wrench into our life again. On March 12 I went to the post office and received a certified letter stating that effective immediately Wes' Class 1's were cancelled. This was particularly discouraging since Wes had planned to go back on the truck by April 1st. He still has his Class 5's and his motorcycle license so that's good, but, not quite what we need to keep going. We wondered why it took six months for the cancellation but were told that this is just how bureaucracy works.

Wes talked (very politely I might add)to MPIC and he was told by the medical records department that they require Wes to see a neurologist who will determine if he is physically fit to drive, so now we wait...again. We are trying very hard to stay optimistic, but this is a setback that we had not counted on. The next three weeks will be a time of discernment and trust.
I guess we'll see...

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21


Anonymous said…
I'm really sorry to hear about Wes's class 1's. Ever wonder why some people seem to walk over the storm while others walk thru? People who are hurting can relate best with those who have walked thru even though it is very difficult to be the one comforting when your heart is feeling heavy. It gives others refreshed hope in they're own situation to see how you are able to weather the storm no matter how matter how hard the thunder rolls or the lightning crashes. We will be walking thru with you in prayer.
Love you
Cheryl (sis)
Anonymous said…
I am sorry that your week was discouraging for various reasons, among them the news of the Class 1s. That must be very difficult. I will be praying for your strength and renewed encouragement.

Isaiah 41:13

Marilyn Hart

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