
There’s a lot of things I will remember about the road trip that we’ve been on these past two weeks and there are many things I will not remember.
The massive doors on the ark
I will remember going to see the Ark in Kentucky and how impressive it was, but I won’t remember everything I saw on board that huge boat. 

I will remember going for a cool boat ride deep down in a cavern, but, I likely won’t remember the name of that cavern a year from now.
I will remember going to a number of Amish restaurants and shops, but, I definitely won’t remember how we got there. 

I will remember laughing so hard in the one Amish Gift Shop that two ladies joined in the laughter not even knowing what I was laughing at.  It was a toy; by the way that we did land up buying so look out Mark & Tina, it’s coming to your house!!
I will remember getting lost in the countryside looking for those Amish shops, following strange directions, streets with no names, signs hidden in corn fields or behind trees, lots of u-turns, too many to count and that silly GPS woman who led us on many a merry chase whether in the city or around the countryside.  Ah yes, I will remember most of that, but especially I will remember Wes’ calm nature reminding me that we would get there, we just have to be patient. 
I won’t remember the names of all the hotels we stayed at because there were so many, but, I will remember the Baymont in Onalaska because that’s where we were staying when the Mayo Clinic contacted me to let us know that Wes was not a candidate for the laser ablation procedure because the tumor was too large and that the specialist also felt that the Mayo Clinic could not add anything significant to our current treatment plan.  I will always remember that moment.
I won’t remember the color of the couch I was sitting on when I broke down as I read the email from Mayo, but, I do remember my husband comforting me in his strong and silent way.  After we processed the news we talked and decided God had a different plan and that we would go with whatever HSC could do for us, pray that the Temozolomide would do what it needs to do, continue to enjoy life, be thankful that Wes is doing so well right now and just keep moving along.  In other words, live life!  We will remember to do that!
I will remember feeling disheartened after the news and though I won’t remember all the restaurants that we ate at and there were a LOT I will remember this one.  Shawnee Bar & Grill.  Because that’s where God met my bruised heart.  It was there that I sat with Wes the following day and in that small restaurant with the honky tonk music playing in the background, the loud conversations all around us I sat in silence in the booth and suddenly all the busyness in the restaurant faded away as God so clearly shared one word with me. 
In the loudness of our surroundings I watched my husband bow his head to pray for our food, his voice much quieter now because of the steroids, but, his faith as loud as ever.  He would pray for his food…unashamed.
Yes, Father, I will remember that.
A cute mouse in Wisconsin
I will remember all the laughter of these past two weeks.  I won’t remember every reason why, but, I will remember that we laughed – a LOT!
I will remember to be so very thankful that Wes is doing so well despite all odds, thank you Father!
I will not remember the name of every person who has said, “I’m praying for you!”, but, I will remember that many many people are committed to praying for us and for our family!  Oh those prayers are so incredibly important; they give us hope and strength.  They remind us that we are not alone in this fight.
I will sadly remember that another door has closed, but, I will not forget the one who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. 
And if I have a temporary memory lapse anywhere along our journey, like forgetting to trust or to be grateful or to those times when I will forget to fix my eyes on him, well, I know my Father will gently remind me and he'll ever so lovingly steer me back to his heart because that’s just the kind of Father he is.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
                                                                                                     2 Corinthians 4:16-18


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