A New Year begins...
Well, besides the fact that the whole world has a new year beginning this week, Wes has other beginnings that we will be concentrating on starting this week.
First, the MRI that was scheduled for January 3rd, 2009 has been bumped up to December 29th at 7:30p.m. in HSC. This is a very important MRI that will determine the status of Wes' brain tumour.
Second, We will be seeing Dr. Butler on January 9 for the MRI results.
Third, We will also be meeting with our clinical pharmacist on January 9th who has Wes' chemo planned out for the next year to two years.
And so our year begins...we don't know how this will play out, but we know that since Wes' initial diagnosis in September God has been faithful in showing his power and grace, he has worked in our lives in such a mighty way that it is hard to know how to say 'thank you' to Him for all he has done for us in this journey. But, instead of saying nothing, we publicly say "Thank you Father! You are an amazing God who has never let us forget you are in control! You have always found ways to let us know we are loved and cherished! Thank you is not enough....but, it is all we have to offer right now and we promise to tell others of the wonderful love of our Father! Amen!"
To our family and friends, we have seen such a steadfastness in your prayers for us and we have been humbled and are so very grateful for your care and concern for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We have told so many people here and in Winnipeg about the caring community that we come from and we are grateful that we are here with you!
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4