Angel of Hope and Courage...
December 24, 2009 - We had our Elias gathering and one of the fun things we do is pick names and exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. My sister-in-law Carolyn had my name this year, the first time ever, which is quite something because we've been doing this for a lot of years!
On my list with my name I had asked for a slim line Bible (Pink) that I could use in Church while I'm working. Something small enough that I can carry around when I'm working during a Sunday morning service. And that's what I got and I love it! I also love the fact that she took the time to fill out the front specifying the date that I received it from her, especially with my short term memory issues!
I received two gifts from her that evening, the other was the little angel that you see at the top of this entry. She is called the 'Angel of Hope & Courage'. She reminds me of the bear with the angel wings that was always looking through the window at HSC Cancer Care...not that she looks like a bear - haha, but that angel bear was the one thing I always looked forward to seeing when we would walk down the hallway on our way to the elevator that would take us to the radiation department. It was a reminder that someone cared enough to create that angel bear as a symbol of hope and this little angel does the same thing, I have a feeling she will stay out year round. My angel is a reminder that family is praying.
We also received a gift from our friend Karen, a small star that says 'Hope", she had slipped it into a beautiful Christmas picture that she gave us. Karen dropped by my office this past Tuesday and we had a wonderful conversation and every time I see that little star of hope I know that so many of our friends like Karen and her mom are praying.
There have been so many people that have said that every time they see Wes' semi driving by it reminds them to pray for him. Well, I wanted to let you know that the notes, the gifts and the special conversations that so many of you have shared with us offer us 'hope' and 'courage' and you may not realize it but those notes, gifts and moments of conversation also remind us to pray for you as well. After all it's only fair right?
"So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind." 1 Corinthians 14:15