Telling Nicolas

It was Sunday afternoon, two days after we had been told about the tumour and we were sitting in Nic's apartment knowing that within the next few minutes we would change our oldest son's world forever. Wes used the same gentle approach that he used with Mark and again I witnessed the wonderful love being expressed between father and son.

We talked about so many things. Wes explained that the through the treatment of this tumour it could possibly lead to some personality changes that were maybe viewed as a bit more negative. He told both boys, “Just think of it this way, I’ll become more like mom!” And that’s when the boys really cried.

Ok, that’s not my favourite story, but I knew you would enjoy it!

But one thing became crystal clear in both conversations with both our boys...they were not ready to give up their dad!

We all felt the same sadness and helplessness and we knew that the only weapon we had to combat the disease and our own fears was the power of prayer.

"Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God?
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. " Psalm 77:13-14


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