Guess what we found!?!

Remember when I told you that Wes really likes vintage cars? Well, shortly after we moved in with Nic, I saw this gorgeous car in our underground parking at the apartment and though the picture doesn't do it any justice (it's hard to take a good pic when the lighting is so bad), but it is an absolutely gorgeous 35 Olds. Now, before you get all impressed with my seemingly amazing knowledge of vintage cars, it said '35 Olds' on the license plate. But, I prefer you to believe that I am smarter than I really am!

There are a few more vintage vehicles in there, but they are under wraps and I figured there wasn't enough nosy Mennonite in me to peek under the wraps to see them first hand. I just have to believe Nic when he tells me that come summer time those vintage cars are unwrapped, then they go out cruising and they are beautiful.

Did I mention there are a lot of retirees in this building, who obviously have kept their first cars in mint condition?

Nic wanted to know if I was going to take a picture of the (vintage??) VW van that stands in the corner of the parkade (exactly like the old beater that is in that commercial for the new VW vans), but I've never thought they were what you would call beautiful, so I'll let you're imagination go on that one. Needless to say, they don't have it under wraps...gee, I wonder why?


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