To Lead or Not to Lead...That is the Question

Wes came home from a busy but good day at work.  We were sitting down for supper and he began to share about something that had happened on the road and then after supper when he went outside to work in the shop I began to rethink the story he told and thought it was worth sharing with you.
As most of you know Wes is a truck driver and that he delivers products and supplies for Monarch Industries travelling from Winnipeg to Winkler.  He will typically drive Hwy 75 and for the most part his days are pretty uneventful, he meets the same people and the scenery definitely doesn't change.  Today, however, he had something interesting happen.
As he was driving along 75 he pulled out to pass another semi and just when he was about to pull back into the lane in front of the other truck he got a call on his CB.
"Hey, Monarch Truck, you on your way to Monarch?"
Wes assured him that he was.
"Well, this is my first time in Manitoba and I have some pallets to drop off at Monarch but I don't know where I'm going!"
Wes slowed down so the other semi could catch up and assured him that he would lead him to the Monarch plant in Winnipeg.  And so the two semis traveled together, arriving at the dock together and unloading together.  
Wes was standing beside his truck in the dock when the other driver came running over and presented him with a Mountain Dew as a 'thank you' for leading him to his destination.
That's the part that got me thinking. Leading him to his destination. As Christians isn't that what we are all called to lead people to Christ?  
WMBC, which is my home church, has a mission statement that calls us to "Lead people to passionately love and follow Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit"  
We, as Christians, are all called to lead people to Christ.  But, before we can do that effectively we need to be listening, listening for those who are on a journey that might be calling out for directions to the Father.  Their questions might be stated simply or they may come as a heartfelt cry, "Do you know the way?"
And as you know, those requests may not come across as directly or as clearly as we might like or in a way that we might be comfortable with, but we need to be listening, to be ready, to be confident in the knowledge that we have the key that will lead them straight to the one who died on the cross and rose again to offer grace, forgiveness and eternal life to everyone who accepts.  Isn't that a mission statement worth fulfilling?      

For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14 


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