Thank You for Coming...
There were also things that I didn't really give much thought the receiving line. I mean, how hard can that be? Meet and greet a couple of hundred people. The pastors do it every Sunday so it shouldn't really be a problem.
Well, the doors opened and the line of people began.
"Thank You for coming"
"Thank You"
"Thank You for coming"
"Thank You"
"Thank You for coming"
Ok, you get the picture. By the time twenty people had passed by I was very bored with my own words. There was a short break in the line up while someone was talking to Mark and Tina. I looked down the line and made note of some of the people that would be coming through. There was a young friend of ours who was graduating the following week and I asked if he was ready for grad. Another had his girlfriend there so we were introduced and made small talk. If there were children, I would reach down and greet them specifically, complimenting them on their beautiful dresses. I complimented complete strangers on the color of their blouse or their style of jewelry. And I began to notice something. When I took the time to offer a personal comment their faces changed, their smile became less formal and more personal. They lingered with their children proud that someone was giving their children attention.
Later on that evening as I sat with my feet up resting from the events of the day and I thought back to those many moments through the receiving line and I wondered, "Is that how God feels?" Does He look down the long line of prayer requests, words of praises or thanksgiving and become bored with our words?
Does He get tired of us doing the same thing over and over again? Does He ever look for something out of the ordinary or unique from us? And what about after we have prayed, do we wait for a response or do we simply move on not anticipating that He may have a response to us?
I know that since I have been a part of that receiving line I have begun to change how I have approached the throne of Grace. Which may sound silly to equate the two, but I have begun to pray differently. I know it's not rocket science, but I'm learning to stop and take the time to really think about what I want to say to Him. Like, really thinking through what I want to say to Him.
I want Him to know that he is worth the time and effort of a heartfelt and sincere prayer. And I also want to make sure that my focus is completely on Him and not on anyone who may just happen to be an audience listening in on my words.
I want to let Him know that I'm noticing the things He has created or that maybe I've learned something new about Him through reading scripture and I will start sharing more with him about my day, even the funny things that happen. I love the image of our God who is waiting for the words we speak and I know that I want Him to look forward to hearing from me. I want the words that He hears from me to be personal and intimate, because after all, He is a personal and intimate God.
And when you are praying, do not pray as the gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Matthew 6:7