There are still good people in the world...
Well, I picked up Wes' chemo late this afternoon and the little white bag full of pills is sitting ready and waiting for tomorrow morning. Wes' peanut butter is sitting beside ready to do its part in covering up the awful taste of the Temozolamide.

After I had picked up the pills from the pharmacy I needed to pick up a few other exciting things like butter and grapes and the whole time I was walking around with my little basket I kept checking to see if my purse was where I needed it to be because of last week...oh yeah, that's right I never did tell you what happened last week did I?
Well, here goes...
Do you ever have one of those days when you say to yourself, "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"?

Well, I did...last week. It started like this. I had a few minutes to spare before I was going to meet Wes and so I thought I'd do a couple of things. I ran over to Wal Mart and picked out the garbage can that would suit my needs and placed it in my cart. I made my way to the cashier and paid for my purchase and walked out to the vehicle. I quickly loaded the garbage can into the blazer and ran to the post office to pick up the mail and then off to Mom & Dad's office to talk to Wes. I had just arrived at the driveway to Mom & Dad's yard when I reached across to take my phone out of my purse so that I could take it into the office with me and I reached over to touch an empty seat. No purse. I reached behind me thinking that I had put my purse on the seat beside the garbage can. Nothing.
My mind flicked back to my time at Wal Mart and I couldn't remember taking my purse out of the shopping cart. Oh great! I cranked a U-turn at the end of the driveway and took off back to Wal Mart the whole time thinking I can't believe I did this! The last time I left my wallet in the shopping cart was years ago when there was still an IGA store in town and back then some good Samaritan found it and brought it to customer service. But, that was how many years ago...could I be that fortunate again?
I drove onto the parking lot and looked at the spot where I had left the cart (yeah, yeah I know I didn't bring it to the cart parking thingy, if I had I could have avoided this whole mess because I would have seen my purse when I would have tried to push the carts together. Point well taken!) and sure enough the cart was already gone.
I parked the Blazer and with a heavy heart I walked toward the store. The only thing that kept running through my mind is how much this was going to cost me. Replacing my drivers, SIN, MHSC and on it went. Lucky for me I only had an old expired VISA in my purse, nothing recent so I wouldn't have to panic over that, but still what a lot of work for a stupid mistake.
I walked to the greeter at the front of the store and explained that I had left my purse in a shopping cart.
He never cracked a smile but immediately called the manager over and said, "This is the lady that left her purse in the shopping cart" he's talking I'm thinking "Idiot in aisle three!"
The manager smiles or was it a smirk and took me over to the customer service desk. I waited as she went into her office and came out carrying my brown purse. I apologized for my stupid mistake as I reached for it.
"Don't worry about it!" she said with a smile "You wouldn't believe how many purses are left in our shopping carts in one week! But, you know, ninety-nine percent of the time we are able to return them to the rightful owner with everything in the purse in tact."
"Wow, that's pretty good!"
"Yeah, most of the time it works out well!"
I thanked her again and walked out clutching my purse. I was pretty impressed that most purses were returned in tact. Hmmm...glad to hear that there are still a lot of good people here in Winkler.
"Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." 1 Corinthians 10:24
Marilyn Hart